Your project may be one misplaced team participant away from collapse. Erase the everpresent stress of corporate staffing threats. Partner with the leading Enterprise and SMB Resource that simply won't let it happen.
The best-laid plans are only as good as the weakest link in the skills and talent pool driving them forward. When your company culture isn't straightforward - and most enterprises in the digital era aren't - there may be several weak links.
How do you know?
Your projects repeatedly misfire on one or all of the following, by:
Going over budget
Missing timelines
Failing to meet specifications
Stopping and starting as employee-churn disrupts the process
Wasting time and money from jamming square pegs into round holes.
We have the experience and the inside track to stop all of the above.
The key to the kingdom lies in team leadership that can predict all the failure triggers before they rear their ugly heads. We have that at our fingertips, and if not, we know where to find it quickly. Our respected thought leadership is a powerful magnet to project managers with cutting-edge capabilities from all corners of the world.
Many consultants try to pigeonhole non-standardized staffing requirements with volume-based solutions. They can never succeed!
We succeed because we:
Know that your projects are unique, and there's no way around that.
Listen to you - hard and intently.
Seamlessly connect your collaboration to our hardcore PM competency.
Insist on a "One customer, one project at a time" approach.
Stay with you all the way until the end.
Staffing is the most important aspect of project management, because the staff are the ones who will actually complete the project work and who will also consume the majority of the project cost.Therefore, it is extremely important to be very precise in planning and acquiring the right talent with the right expertise and technical skills.
Complacency isn’t in our vocabulary. Our proven proactive oversight and regular status reporting work for you 24/7, all year round. Our training and consulting services combine with staffing to bolster overall performance in this project solutions arena.